Let Your Voice Be Heard
The voice, singing, easily the oldest instrument in the world. The most direct form of music making, it comes straight from the soul. Opera to Jazz, Blues to Pop the sound of a great singer seems to grab the attention of everyone around. Our instructors are masterful singers and musicians, and can help you become one too. You already have a voice, we can help you make it powerful instrument, and force on the stage. Contact us today, unlock your potential and let us give you the gift of song.

Sing The Song That's In Your Heart

"Singing Is A Way Of Escaping. It's Another World. I'm No Longer On Earth"
-Edith Piaf
"The Only Thing Better Than Singing is More Singing"
-Ella Fitzgerald

Our Teaching Philosophy
At Los Angeles Music and Arts Academy, we believe that your journey in music should be enjoyable, and rewarding. All to often we hear about students taking lessons for months, even years with little to show for it. Many times it is only about fun, and little to do with actual learning. On the other hand, we've all heard about music lessons of old where the instructor is too strict, and the student ends up hating music. At LAMAA, we believe in balancing these two things. We will work with you to create a custom lesson plan that is not only fun, but also incorporates an immense amount of learning. In fact, the vast majority of our students go from never having had lessons, to playing a tune and actually reading music within a few lessons.