Traditional Lessons
The Best Instruction With
Exceptional Convenience
At Los Angeles Music and Arts Academy, we realize that not everyone has the ability to have instructors come to their home. Some live in remote areas, others have scheduling issues, and many simply don't live out of the state but still want our first class instruction. If we can't come to you physically, we will come to you digitally. Modern technology has made it possible for us to deliver the best quality music lessons to our students across the globe. All of our instruments are available through online Skype lessons. You enjoy all the great instruction, at your own convenience. Contact us today to find out more!

Skype Lessons Are Available For All Instruments
Don't Let Anything Stop You From Your Dreams

Our Teaching Philosophy
At Los Angeles Music and Arts Academy, we believe that your journey in music should be enjoyable, and rewarding. All to often we hear about students taking lessons for months, even years with little to show for it. Many times it is only about fun, and little to do with actual learning. On the other hand, we've all heard about music lessons of old where the instructor is too strict, and the student ends up hating music. At LAMAA, we believe in balancing these two things. We will work with you to create a custom lesson plan that is not only fun, but also incorporates an immense amount of learning. In fact, the vast majority of our students go from never having had lessons, to playing a tune and actually reading music within a few lessons.